DryerLed Extreme Environment Lights

LED lights specifically designed for Paper Machine Dryer Hood. High intensity of 13900 lumens combined with 60 000 h lifetime and 130C temperature resistance makes DryerLed a true performer in extreme environments.

Product Features

  • Heat resistance up to 130C
  • Over 60 000 hour lifetime (L70)
  • Central power control for 8 lights
  • Two run modes: full-intensity during break and power-save mode during production run

Technology specs

  • 13 900 lumen light intensity during break (110W)
  • 6400 lumen light intensity during run (35W)
  • IP67 rated stainless steel housing with borosilicate glass
  • Silicon lenses w. 72 degree opening
  • Air-cooled. In under 60 degrees ambient temperature no cooling needed

First DryerLeds will be available for purchase Q3/2018. Latest model image: